
2018-10-25 17:57


哈工大能源学院访问团率先来到南加州大学,受到了Jin Bo-Cheng老师的热情接待,在Jin老师的带领下参观了南加州大学的校园和机械工程系的航天复合材料加工实验室。同时,Jin老师还系统地介绍了本人的研究方向、南加州大学的学生培养模式和教师晋升机制。访问期间齐宏老师和秦江老师与Jin老师探讨了科研合作及未来研究生联合培养方面的相关事宜。





能源学院访问团的第三站来到位于帕萨迪纳的加州理工大学,受到了LiLei老师热忱而诚挚的欢迎。LiLei老师介绍了Wang Lihong教授课题组在光声医学成像方面的最新研究成果,并带领访问团参观了多个光声成像实验室。齐宏老师和秦江老师与LiLei老师探讨了未来博士联合培养和进一步的相互合作事宜。





第五站是加州大学-默塞德分校UCMerced,访问团受到了机械工程学院MaYan-Bao教授和Sun Jian-Qiao院长及其他机械工程系教授的亲切会见。在座谈中,Sun教授逐一了解了每位博士生的研究领域,并对当前UCMerced机械工程学院的教学和科研等各个方面进行了详细的介绍。会谈结束后,齐宏教授受邀为UCMerced教师和研究生作了关于火焰温度非接触测量的专题报告。在提问环节,UCMerced师生就报告话题积极与齐宏教授探讨,讨论氛围激烈,学术气息浓郁。







2018 International Visiting Program for Distinguished Doctoral Student (The school of Energy Science and Engineering) — Six famous universities in California, USA


From Sep. 29th to Oct. 8th, 2018, the visiting group of the School of Energy Science and Engineering (SESE) came to the California, USA, and visited six famous universities, namely the University of Southern California (USC), the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), San Diego State University (SDSU), the University of California at Merced (UCMerced), and Stanford University (Stanford). The visiting group consists of Prof. Hong Qi, A/Prof. Jiang Qin, Hehui Liu and nine doctoral students of SESE. This academic visiting activity is under the support of the “International Visiting Program for Distinguished Doctoral Student” which is jointly funded by the Graduate School of Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), the International office of HIT and SESE.

On Sep. 30, the visiting group visited USC and was warmly received by the Dr. Jin Bo-Cheng. Dr. Jin gave the visiting group a visit to the aerospace composite processing laboratory of mechanical engineering department and then a tour around the USC campus. During the campus tour, Dr. Jin made a detailed introduction about his research interests, the cultivating model of undergraduates in USC and the teacher promotion system in USA. Prof. Qi and A/Prof. Qin on behalf of the SESE discussed with Dr. Jin on issues such as scientific collaboration and the joint education of doctoral students.

On Oct. 1st, the visiting group visit UCLA and was given a warm reception by the Prof. Zhen-Xing Li, Dr. Chuan-Xin Zhang and Dr. Huan Wu. In the company of Prof. Li, Dr Zhang and Dr. Wu, the visiting group visited the UCLA Mechanical and Aerospace Department and the Micro-Nano Experiment Center, and learned about the research directions of the mechanical and aerospace department, and discussed the further cooperation in the field of nano-fluid solar energy utilization with Prof. Li.

On Oct. 2nd, the visiting group went to Pasadena to visit the Caltech and was warmly welcomed by Dr. Wei Li. Dr. Li introduced the latest results of Prof. Lihong Wang’s group on photoacoustic medical imaging, and then led the visiting group to visit several photoacoustic imaging laboratories. Prof. Qi consulted with Dr. Li on the future joint education of doctoral students.

On Oct. 3rd, the visiting group went to San Diego to visit the SDSU and received a grand and warm reception from Prof. Wen-Wu Xu. The visiting was met by Dr. John Abraham, the Chair of Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Eugene Olevsky, the Interim Dean of College of Engineering. The two sides have carried out detailed discussions on various aspects such as college composition, doctoral training and joint doctoral education. Then accompanied by Prof. Xu, the visiting group visited Prof. Camacho’s Burning Laboratory and Prof. Kassegne’s ultra-clean laboratory. The visiting group were attracted by their interesting research orientations and benefited a lot in the lab tour.

On Oct. 5, the visiting group visited the UCMerced and was cordially met by Dean Jian-Qiao Sun of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Prof. Yan-Bao Ma and other professors of mechanical engineering. During the discussion, Prof. Sun learned about the research fields of each doctoral student in visiting group, and gave a detailed introduction to the current teaching and research situation of the School of Mechanical Engineering of UCMerced. After that, Prof. Qi was invited to give a lecture on the topic of non-contact measurement of flame temperature for teachers and graduate students of UCMerded. In the Q&A session, teachers and students of UCMerced discussed the topic actively with Prof. Qi Hong.

On Oct. 6, the visiting group visited Stanford and was warmly welcomed by Dr. Wei Li. Dr Li took the visiting group a tour of Stanford campus and then visited his photothermal radiation measurement laboratory and other laboratories of the Department of Applied Physics. During the visit, the visiting group conducted in-depth exchanges of views with Dr. Li on the scientific collaboration.

After nearly ten days of visiting, through face-to-face exchanges with scholars from the world’s top universities, it not only broadened the international academic vision of doctoral students from SESE, but also learned more about the frontier development of different research fields in different schools. Furthermore, it also laid the foundation for the scientific research cooperation and overseas joint training of doctoral students in HIT.