应哈工大电信学院毛兴鹏教授及IEEE WIE 哈尔滨分会主席贾敏副研究员邀请,在IEEE ComSoc 哈尔滨分会及国际合作处支持下,国际知名学者Concordia大学Jun Cai教授将于
讲学题目:Intelligent Resource Management for Computation Offloading and Content Proactive Caching in Edge Computing(I, II)
讲座人:Jun Cai教授
Jun Cai教授报告简介:
Nowdays, smart mobile devices have played more and more important roles in our daily lives for business, learning, and entertainment. However, many emerging mobile applications, such as face recognition, natural language processing, interactive gaming and augmented reality, are ordinarily computation-intensive and energy-consuming. To address the conflict between resource-hungry mobile applications and resource-limited mobile devices, edge computing has been recently proposed as a supplement to conventional remote public clouds, which brings computing capabilities close to end users for satisfying the requirements of pervasive, prompt and flexible computation and communication augmenting services. For edge computing, limitation on computation and communication resources severely blocks its practical implementation, and thus calls for more efficient resource management mechanisms.
In this talk, the speaker will go over the resource management issues involved in developing an effective and efficient edge computing system and a plethora of advanced techniques he has developed in recent years. Particular emphases will be put on computation task offloading (uplink) and content proactive caching (downlink) with the consideration of human/machine intelligence. After presenting the procedure, design challenges, and objectives for edge computing, the speaker will explain how the newly developed techniques can achieve high network efficiency (social welfare maximization), ensure the fulfillment of desired quality-of-service (QoS) and prevent any untruthful strategic behaviors from smart mobile users. Three examples of his work will be discussed in some depth, which are designed to support distributed decision making, delay-sensitive task offloading, and social-aware proactive caching.
Jun Cai教授个人简介:
Jun Cai received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo, Canada, in 2004. From 2004 to 2006, he was a Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Post-Doctoral Fellow with