日本东北大学Motoyuki Sato教授讲座

2019-07-05 14:29

      应哈工大电信学院白旭副教授邀请,探地雷达领域国际著名学者、IEEE Fellow日本东北大学Motoyuki Sato教授将于2019年7月8日-2019年7月11日来哈尔滨工业大学访问讲学和交流研讨。并将分别于2019年7月9日、7月10日、7月11日进行四次学术讲座和两次研讨,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加。


讲学题目:Near Range and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) / UWB Radar: Fundamentals to Applications.


2019/7/9: 9:00-10:30   Lecture-1

14:00-15:30   Lecture-2

15:00-17:00   Discussion

2019/7/10: 9:00-10:30  Lecture-3

10:30-12:00   Discussion

2019/7/11: 9:00-10:30   Lecture-4




      Near Range Radar and Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) are one form of radar, which is used for subsurface sensing. It has been widely used for detection of buried utilities such as pipes and cables. This technique is also highly sensitive to water content in soil, therefore, GPR is very suitable for environment study, too. Recently, Ultra Wide Band (UWB) technology has gathered interest, however, its frequency bandwidth has been used in GPR for a long time, and we can find many similar aspects. Typical application of UWB radar is detection of objects in air, however, most of the fundamental signal acquisition and signal processing schemes are almost as same as that has been used in GPR. In this tutorial course, we will introduce the fundamental principles of GPR and UWB radar technologies to potential users, students and researchers. Then we will discuss more advanced and recent topic related to GPR, which include MIMO radar.

Lecture schedule (Each lecture is for 90 min.)


Lecture-1 Introduction

Lecture-2 GPR Principles

Lecture-3 GPR systems

Lecture-4 GPR Survey


Lecture-1 Introduction

       1. Introduction to GPR

       2.     Electromagnetic Subsurface Sensing

Lecture-2 GPR Principle

       3. Wave Equation and Plane wave

       4. Electromagnetic Properties of Geological Material

       5. Reflection-Transmission-Scattering of Electromagnetic Wave

Lecture-3 GPR System

       6. Ground Penetrating Radar System

       7. Electromagnetic wave radiation and antenna

Lecture-4 GPR Survey

       8. GPR Survey Methodology

       9. GPR Signal Processing and Interpretation

       10. Regulation and GPR



       佐藤教授于1980年和1984年在日本东北大学大学资源工程专业和应用电子学分别获得学士学位和博士学位,于1985年开始在东北大学任教,并于1988年到1989年间在德国汉诺威大学访学,1997年开始同时任职于东北亚研究中心。佐藤教授的研究方向主要是探地雷达的原理与应用,国际上高水平探地雷达方向文章大多出自他的实验室,同时中国国内研究探地雷达学者也多数出自他的门下,2010年当选为IEEE Fellow,他在探地雷达领域有着很大的影响力。