信息融合领域国际知名学者Murat Efe教授讲座通知

2019-10-09 14:18

    应哈工大电信学院周共健教授邀请,信息融合领域国际知名学者土耳其安卡拉大学Murat Efe教授将于20191010-13日来哈尔滨工业大学访问讲学和交流研讨。将于2019101120191012日举行学术讲座,欢迎全校感兴趣的师生参加。


讲学题目: Tracking Filter: Theory and Applications



报告内容简介:Since the advent of Kalman filter there has been a great interest in estimating dynamic states. Kalman filter, while providing the optimal solution under certain assumptions, has to be re-visited for applicability to real life problems. This talk will go back to the basics of target tracking problem and Kalman filter applied to that problem, develop from there to address real life problems and derive the filters to deal with that issue. Some basic design considerations for the extended and unscented Kalman filters as well as the particle filter will be discussed and performance comparisons will be given.


讲学题目: Importance of Information in Data Fusion and Building a Passive Radar of the Shelf



报告内容简介:Data fusion is a broad concept and perception and applications of it varies from one practitioner to another. In his talk the concept of data fusion will be given, the question of when to fuse will addressed and a statistical tool that could be used in real life applications will described to quantify the level of information provided by the fusion system. Quantifying the information is useful in many ways one of which is the resource management. An example of how to decide the number of sensors in the system will be given in a passive sensing environment. Subject will switch to building a passive radar with components available of the shelf. Once considered to be very expensive and complicated process, building a radar of your own is not that difficult anymore.



Dr. Efe received his BSc. degree in 1993 from the Electronics Engineering Department at Ankara University and started his MSc degree on optoelectronics/control engineering in the same year at the same department. Upon completing his MSc degree he was granted a PhD scholarship, by Ankara University, to study towards his PhD degree at the University of Sussex in the UK where he received his PhD in 1998. He then took up a lecturer position at Ankara University. Upon receiving an invitation to work on a research project as a postdoctoral research fellow, he joined the Automatic Control Institute of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), Switzerland. Dr. Efe then resumed his position at Ankara University. He is currently a Professor at the Dept. of Electronics Engineering at Ankara University and is the Head of Department. He has given invited seminars on estimation, data fusion and target tracking and has numerous papers published in refereed journals and conference proceedings on the same subjects. His research interests include; multi-target and multi-sensor target tracking, free space optical communication, data fusion, data association, fault detection, estimation, radar signal post processing, data analytics, smart systems and optimization.