郭志昌 副教授、李爻 博士、任冬伟 副教授
一校区活动中心 216
左旺孟 教授、武小荷 博士
计算学部主任 刘挺 教授致辞
数学学院院长 吴勃英 教授致辞
1. 报告一题目: Deep Learning Informed PDE Model for Image Denoising
报告摘要:Image denoising is one of the fundamental problems in image processing. Nowadays the convolutional neural network (CNN) based denoising approaches have achieved better performance than traditional methods, such as PM, STROLLR, BM3D, etc. However, CNN can easily bring unexplainable artifacts to denoised images. In this paper, we propose a deep learning informed PDE (DLI-PDE) framework utilizing the image prior or the image gradient prior for image denoising. The image prior and the gradient prior are learned from CNN models and used as the coefficient of diffusion equations. The solution of DLI-PDE is infinitely smooth from the uniqueness of existence theory, which guarantees that the denoised image has no artifact. Good properties of DLI-PDE also ensures high-quality of denoising. Experimental results show that our proposed two methods provide higher quality denoising performance than traditional algorithms including PM, STROLLR, BM3D. Moreover, DLI-PDE achieves comparable performance to the modern CNN-based denoising mode, i.e. , WNNM, TNRD, DnCNN.
讲者简介:郭志昌,男,1982年07月出生,准聘副教授,哈尔滨工业大学数学学院计算数学系副主任,中国生物医学工程学会医学人工智能分会青年委员,主要从事偏微分方程图像处理和深度学习等方面的研究。在图像去噪、图像恢复、图像分割、图像压缩等问题有一系列原创成果。已发表论文20余篇,在SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences,Journal of Nonlinear Science,Neurocomputing,IEEE Transactions on Image Processing等高水平期刊上有一系列研究成果。主持国家自然科学基金面上基金1项,主持国家青年基金1项,作为主要参与人参与面上基金2项,国家自然科学基金联合基金1项,主持省基金1项,主持博士后新教师基金1项,主持博士后面上基金1项。现阶段主要研究方向为,分数阶方程的数值理论和在图像恢复中的建模,深度学习卷积神经网络的部分解释,基于PDE和深度学习卷积神经网络的融合模型。
2. 报告二题目:Convolutional Correlation Analysis for Enhancing the Performance of SSVEP-Based Brain-Computer Interface
报告摘要:Currently, most of the high-performance models for frequency recognition of steady-state visual evoked potentials (SSVEPs) are linear. However, SSVEPs collected from different channels can have non-linear relationship among each other. Linearly combining electroencephalogram (EEG) from multiple channels is not the most accurate solution in SSVEPs classification. To further improve the performance of SSVEP-based brain-computer interface (BCI), we propose a convolutional neural network-based non-linear model, i.e. convolutional correlation analysis (Conv-CA). Different from pure deep learning models, Conv-CA use convolutional neural networks (CNNs) at the top of a self-defined correlation layer. The CNNs function on how to transform multiple channel EEGs into a single EEG signal. The correlation layer calculates the correlation coefficients between the transformed single EEG signal and reference signals. The CNNs provide non-linear operations to combine EEGs in different channels and different time. And the correlation layer constrains the fitting space of the deep learning model. A comparison study between the proposed Conv-CA method and the task-related component analysis (TRCA) based methods is conducted. Both methods are validated on a 40-class SSVEP benchmark dataset recorded from 35 subjects. The study verifies that the Conv-CA method significantly outperforms the TRCA-based methods. Moreover, Conv-CA has good explainability since its inputs of the correlation layer can be analyzed for visualizing what the model learnt from the data. Conv-CA is a non-linear extension of spatial filters. Its CNN structures can be further explored and tuned for reaching a better performance. The structure of combining neural networks and unsupervised features has the potential to be applied to the classification of other signals.
15:30-15:50 茶歇
3. 报告三题目:图像复原中反问题的深度学习方案
讲者简介:任冬伟,哈尔滨工业大学计算学部副教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向为计算机视觉,包括图像复原与增强、目标检测与分割等,发表论文二十余篇,多数发表在国际顶级会议CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/AAAI以及IEEE T-PAMI/IEEE T-IP/IEEE T-CYB等国际权威期刊。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年项目。
16:30-17:00 Panel讨论