美国杜兰大学Ari Ofengenden院士O16-16讲座通知

O16-16.     Ethics and Literature 

Time: Jul 13, 2022 03:30 PM Beijing


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Passcode: 963452


I will cover the three basic ethical theories: virtue ethics, utilitarianism, and Kantian ethics, and try to see how they can help with reading and interpreting literature. I will then move to the modern reduction of ethics to power by Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud. How has reading that lacks ethics faired what are their strong and not strong attributes? Finally, I will look at modern renditions of ethics in Badiou and how he interprets literature.  





Ari Ofengenden 

Professor of Practice 

Department of Jewish Studies 

Tulane University 

Series editor, books in comparative cultural studies ccsbks@purdue.edu 

Purdue University Press 

Elected Member European Academy of Sciences and Arts